guitar classes RSS

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Department of Sound Engineering Article Series How to Approach EQ? Since we have covered EQ in our Sound Engineering course here are some tips on how to approach EQ. We all know that EQ plays a critical role in getting a great mix, but many people ask me for a perfect settings menu for each instrument or vocals. Personally I feel there is much easier way to approach EQ. Look for the Problem Look for the Problem first. Why reach for an EQ if you don’t have a reason? Do you hear something you don’t quite like? Is there some track...

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devs music, devs music academy, devs music academy pune, devs music guitar classes, devs music guitar courses, guitar classes, guitar classes in pune, guitar courses, guitar courses in pune, learn to play guitar -

Playing Guitar Leads with the Right Impressions Playing guitar leads would be something that most music artists want to do. Can you just imagine being the primary instrument player in a band?  When it comes to music and playing the instrument, it is always best to support it with the best guitar classes in Pune, on of which is Devs Music Academy’s Guitar classes. Being the lead guitarist implies that you are the one holding the fort and it is your responsibility to get the music to flow fluidly from the entire band. From reading the music down to the...

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Playing Guitar Chords – Effective Means to Do So Essential tips must be kept in mind when taking guitar classes. Music chords and notes are typically the hardest things to learn. Can you just imagine scrambling trying to find the right chord?  It can be quite a mess if you just happen to forget the chords in the middle of a lesson.  Well, if there is one effective thing that can be done in playing guitar chords, it would be to practice frequently. Exercise the simplest chords first and then move onto the more complex ones in the music book....

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A most essential part of learning the guitar is the music scales. As a musician, it is always best to have these on hand to get the music playing. Guitar scales are just basic musical notes that are arranged in significant movements of rising and falling pitch. Fundamentals state that these scales are one of the most important things that must be taught at any formal lessons in the instrument. While the topics can certainly be quite boring to a certain degree, it is something that can potentially make beautiful music. This is especially best for those artists who may want...

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guitar classes, guitar classes in Pune, guitar courses, guitar courses in pune, learn to play guitar -

Basic Tips to Learning Guitar When it comes to learning guitar, there are several Guitar classes in Pune. Sure, learning the chords and the notes are quite a necessary element to the process.  However, when it comes to the most basic tips to learning the guitar, it comes down to motivation. Devs Music not only teaches you the best ways to handle and work with the instrument, but goes one step beyond and offers major advice to all their students and that is to never get discouraged in the process rather keep themselves motivated by simultaneously practicing several latest and...

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